IP Laws
- Philippine Competition Act (Republic Act No. 10667)
- Intellectual Property Code Amendments (Republic Act No. 10372)
- Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012 (Republic Act No. 10175)
- Data Privacy Act of 2012 (Republic Act No. 10173)
- The Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines (Republic Act No. 8293)
- Optical Media Act of 2003 (Republic Act No. 9239)
- Electronic Commerce Act (Republic Act No. 8792)
- Universally Accessible Cheaper and Quality Medicines Act of 2008 (Republic Act No. 9502)
- Food and Drug Administration Act of 2009 (Republic Act No. 9711)
- Philippine Technology Transfer Act of 2009 (Republic Act No. 10055)
- Philippine Plant Variety Protection Act of 2002 (Republic Act No. 9168)
- An Act Providing for the Protection of Layout-Designs (Topographies) of Integrated Circuits (Republic Act No. 9150)
- Special Law on Counterfeit Drugs (Republic Act No. 8203)
IP Regulations
- Rules and Regulations on Trademarks, Service Marks, Trade Names and Marked or Stamped Containers
- Rules and Regulations on Inventions
- Implementing Rules and Regulations of Electronic Commerce Act
- Implementing Rules and Regulations on Utility Models and Industrial Designs
- Implementing Rules and Regulations of the Philippine Plant Variety Protection Act of 2002
- Rules and Regulations on Administrative Complaints for Violation of Laws Involving Intellectual Property Rights
- Rule on Search and Seizure in Civil Actions for Infringement of Intellectual Property Rights (Supreme Court Administrative Memorandum No. 02-1-06-SC)
- Bureau of Customs Administrative Order No. 06-2002
- Implementing Rules of Republic Act No. 8203 (Special Law on Counterfeit Drug)
- Implementing Rules of Republic Act No. 9239 (Optical Media Act of 2003)
- Rules and Procedure for Intellectual Property Rights Cases